Using External Services with License Technologies
Producers can use Revenera-provided interfaces to deploy external services that provide customized functionality within FlexNet Operations. License keys can be generated, for instance, by an external SOAP service that implements the LicenseGeneratorService Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
The server that implements this WSDL is hosted separately from the one that runs FlexNet Operations. It hosts the service externally and operates independently of FlexNet Operations, as shown in the figure below. The external service is accessed by FlexNet Operations at run time for operations such as product and license model validation and license generation.
External License Generator
For information on using external services with license technologies, see the following topics:
• | External Service Operations |
• | Creating an External Service |
Note:The availability of certain operations varies with your FlexNet Operations license technology type. To customize the way license file names are generated for FlexNet Licensing Technology, implement the com.flexnet.operations.publicapi.MultipleLicenseFilenameGenerator interface and enter the name of that Java class in Filename Generator on the Create A License Technology page.