Activating and Licensing FlexNet Operations
You can configure your FlexNet Operations license on the Licensing configuration page (System > Configure > Licensing). This page is where producers activate their license to use FlexNet Operations by providing the URL for the FlexNet Embedded endpoint they receive in their welcome message from Revenera.
The Producer Portal shows the Licensing page when the first user from a producer’s account logs in. Until a valid FlexNet Embedded endpoint URL is in place, the Producer Portal remains in its unactivated state, and no other pages are accessible to the producer’s accounts’ users.
To activate FlexNet Operations
1. | Click System > Configure. |
2. | Click Licensing. The Producer Portal opens the Licensing configuration page. |
3. | On the Licensing configuration page, enter your FlexNet Embedded endpoint URL. |
4. | Click Save Configs. |
The Producer Portal activates for the features contained in your FlexNet Operations license.