Configuring Trusted Activation Settings

A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to modify configuration settings for Trusted Activation settings through the Producer Portal.

Note:Before changing any configuration settings in a working FlexNet Operations instance, it is advisable to export the working configuration settings. If there is a problem with the new settings, you have a backup of working settings to restore.

To configure trusted activation settings

1. Click System > Configure.
2. Click Trusted Storage to open the configuration page for trusted activation.
3. View or change the values of the settings below.
4. Click Save Configs.

The Producer Portal saves your configuration settings. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Trusted Storage Configurations


Possible Values




Do not delete Generated Trusted Configurations, ASRs, and Key Files

Selected or unselected

Select to prevent the deletion of generated files stored in <User Data Directory as configured in the configurator> store. These files are generated when the first activation is requested using a new transaction key.



Load Web Register Keys as Part of Trusted Type Bulk Entitlements Activation

Selected or unselected

Select to prevent pre-loading of web register keys for bulk entitlements using a trusted license model. Web register keys are loaded dynamically at the time of activation. This setting does not affect bulk entitlements using a certificate-based license models. Those web register keys are always pre-loaded.



Enable Bulk Entitlement Linking while Creating Short Code

Selected or unselected

Select to link a bulk entitlement when creating a short code ASR. This only allows keyboard (short code) activation with bulk entitlement.



Unwrap License Lines for Trusted Activations

Selected or unselected

In some network transport scenarios, new line between INCREMENT lines in trusted storage response XML file is stripped during transport, causing license to be invalid. In these cases, license is not applied to trusted storage. Select to remove new lines from license and sign response to prevent this problem.



Enable Internet Address Binding

Selected or unselected

Determines whether or not to use internet address as one of the binding elements for every transaction key created.

Caution:Use caution when changing this configuration option. Changing the binding elements may change trusted configurations and fulfillment records on your end users’ machines. Such changes can result in otherwise unnecessary repair requests.

Default: Unselected.



Send Host Address and Port Number in the Activation Response

Selected or unselected

Determines whether or not activation responses include a host address and port number.

Default: Selected.



Generator for Custom Attributes in Online Response

Class name

This class can be used to implement the vendor dictionary response, to enable sending data back to the activation application after fulfillment generation.


Generator for Custom Attributes in Short Code Response

Class name

This class can be used to implement the Short Code Response Overrides Generator to populate values for the short code response override keys that are configured in ASR.


Force Default Transaction Key for all FNP versions

Selected or unselected

Default: unselected



Server Chain Host Name

URI or blank

Enter a URI in the format protocol://hostname:port/... which is sent in activation responses. If blank, the URI sent in the activation responses is the actual server name.

Default: blank.



Add Version in Product ID

Selected or unselected

Select to add version information as part of product ID in NAME=PRODUCT;VERSION=PROD_VERSION format.

Default: Selected



Enable short code for license server

Selected or unselected

Select to create short code for a license server.

Default: unselected