Configuring an Entitlement Line Item
When you click New line item on the Create an Entitlement page, FlexNet Operations opens the Configure Line Item wizard in a pop-up window. Continue configuring the settings for each entitlement line item. You configure entitlement line items using Configure Line Item wizard.
To configure an entitlement line item
Select Product: Select a product for the line item. You can select multiple products if they have a common license model assigned. Click Next. |
Select Part Number and License Model: Enter values for the following, then click Next. |
The entitlement’s part number, if any. |
Select a license model from the drop-down list, then specify any entitlement-time license model attributes. (Attributes from all license models are displayed.) |
For FlexNet licensing technologies, an entitlement line item can contain, at most, 1 certificate, 1 trusted storage, and 1 embedded license model. The same line item can be activated using a certificate license, trusted storage activation request, or embedded activation request from a hardware device. |
Optionally, set the Notice value (customer name and Purchase order number) and Serial Number of the license. |
Configure Product: Enter values for the following, and then click Next. |
Quantity Per Copy: Quantity per copy of each line item. This is a multiplier. So, for example, if one copy of the line item is fulfilled, the specified quantity of the product is shown in the license. |
Description: enter a brief description of the product line item. |
Order ID: enter the order ID. (This may be imported from your ERM/CRP application.) |
Order Line Number: enter the order line number. (This may be imported from your ERM/CRP application.) |
Number of Copies: specify the number of copies for the entitlement. |
Start Date: The start date of the entitlement line item is the start date of the licenses that are generated against the line item. Select a start date option from the drop-down list: |
Specify at each activation: (not available for FlexNet Embedded licensing) the user is prompted to specify a start date each time the line item is activated. Each fulfillment record gets a new start date, and for duration-based entitlements, each fulfillment record’s expiration date is set to start date specified + duration. |
Specify value now: select the start date value now. All fulfillment records of this line item get this start date. To specify a start date, click the Calendar next to the Start Date field and select a date. |
Use first activation date: the date of the first activation is used as the start date. All fulfillment records for this line item get the same start date. |
Specify at first activation: (not available for FlexNet Embedded licensing) the user is prompted to specify a start date when first activating the line item. This start date is used for all fulfillment records. |
Use each activation date: every time the line item is activated, the activation date is used as the start date. Each fulfillment record gets a new start date. As a result, for duration-based entitlements, each fulfillment record’s expiration date is set to activation date + duration. |
Expiration: Specify when the line item expires. |
Permanent: the line item never expires. |
Specify Expiration Date: the line item expires on the indicated date. |
Specify Duration: the line item is valid for this period of time after activation. |
Note that if this entitlement line item is delivering usage, then setting or changing the expiration date to a date in the past does not propagate to the usage functionality. This means that the entitled count does not reflect in the usage report user interface. Usage does not allow changes to the past. In this case, the earliest you can set the expiration date to is today.
Order Type: select an order type from the drop-down list: Upsell, Upgrade, Renewal, or New. For Upsells, Upgrades and Renewals, if the parent line item is being upgraded, specify it here. |
Click Save or Complete to save the entitlement line item. |
An entitlement line item is created as a draft or a test that can be modified. After a draft entitlement is deployed to allow activation, existing line items cannot be modified. After an entitlement is saved, the history of its state change can be viewed by clicking View History.
See Also
Changing the State of a Line Item
Creating an Entitlement