Configuring a Maintenance Line Item
When you click New maintenance line item on the Create an Entitlement page, FlexNet Operations opens the Configure Line Item wizard in a pop-up window. Continue configuring the settings for maintenance line items. You configure maintenance line items using the Configure Line Item wizard.
A maintenance line item must be linked to one or more product line items for it to be effective during bulk operations.
To configure a maintenance line item
Select Maintenance: Select a maintenance product for the line item. Click Next. |
Configure Maintenance: Enter values for the following, and then click Next. |
Description: enter a brief description of the product line item. |
Order ID: enter the order ID. (This may be imported from your ERM/CRP application.) |
Order Line Number: enter the order line number. (This may be imported from your ERM/CRP application.) |
Number of Copies: specify the number of copies for the entitlement. |
Start Date: The start date of the entitlement line item is the start date of the licenses that are generated against the line item. |
Expiration: Specify when the line item expires. |
Click Save or Complete to save the maintenance line item. |
See Also
Changing the State of a Line Item
Creating an Entitlement