About the Device–Device User Association

A FlexNet Operations device can be associated with an end user or a contact called the Device User. Associating a device with a device user allows an End-User Portal administrator to communicate with someone regarding the licenses on that device. For example, if the End-User Portal administrator needs a license for a new device but there are no licenses available, the administrator can search for all existing devices using that license and request that one of those device users return their license so it can be used on the new device.

With the proper combination of system configuration and user permission settings, a device user can be added, edited, or deleted via capability request, sync request, the End-User Portal, the Producer Portal, or Web Services. The same device user can be associated with multiple devices, but a device can only be associated with one device user.

System Configuration

Use the Device User Option (click System > Configure > FlexNet Operations > Embedded Device Settings) to enable and configure this capability. Values are:

Off – The User field is not visible in either portal, and device user data sent in a capability request, sync request, or Web Service is ignored.
On with no validation – The User field is shown in both portals, and with the correct permission (refer to User Permissions ) can be edited by the user. The value entered is not validated, so it can be anything. For example, it can be an email address or a phone number.
On with validation – The User field is shown in both portals, and with the correct permission (refer to User Permissions ) can be edited by the user. The value can only be set to an active user or a contact chosen from the Select User window.

Important:When the device is a license server, the device User field is not validated.

When the Device User Option is set, the User field appears on the default view for a device or server page in the End-User and Producer Portals. A validated device user is displayed as an email address that links to the Users page. Device user is also returned in Web Services and capability responses. Device users who are not active FlexNet Operations users are identified as inactive.

User Permissions

An End-User Portal user with Edit user on device permission can edit the User field of a device.

A Producer Portal user with Manage devices permission can view and edit the User field (Edit user on device permission is not required).

When Device User Option is ON with validation, an End-User Portal user with Manage User permission can click the user name link—located below the User name—to display the View/Edit Device User page. Similar functionality is available in the Producer Portal.