
The following items are prerequisites for developing and deploying licensing code with the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal and your FlexNet Embedded toolkit.

FlexNet Embedded Client Implementation

It is assumed that you have downloaded your FlexNet Embedded platform for implementing an application to obtain license rights from a license server. You should already have implemented FlexNet Embedded C SDK or FlexNet Embedded XT code for a connected application running in a customer environment. See the corresponding FlexNet Embedded documentation for information about building the example code and implementing a served client.

To complete the exercises in this getting started section, users also must have received publisher keys from Revenera.

Note:The creation of a publisher and an identity are covered in the section Getting Started with FlexNet Embedded Licensing.

FlexNet Operations Instance

It is also assumed that you have access to FlexNet Operations via the Producer Portal and the End-User Portal. Producers must have already activated their producer account and user account activated on the Producer Portal in which FlexNet Embedded and FlexNet Cloud Licensing Service features are enabled.