Account and User Creation Key Concepts
To be associated with an entitlement, a company must be entered as one of the FlexNet Operations account types. Introduction touches only on the account types relevant to this section’s entitlement creation exercises:
• | Producer – software producer or intelligent device manufacturer |
• | Customer – end user of the software or device |
User Roles
A FlexNet Operations user must belong to one of the FlexNet Operations account types, and a user name and password are required to log in. Revenera creates the initial user account for a producer’s FlexNet Operations System Administrator, then the System Administrator creates any additional users required for the producer’s account and for the producer’s customers (end users).
The activities a user can perform are based on the permissions that user has. However, permissions are not assigned to users directly. Instead, permissions are grouped into roles and FlexNet Operations users are assigned one or more roles. Introduction touches only on the user roles relevant to this section’s entitlement creation exercises; these roles, and others, are provided as seed data:
• | System Administrator – a producer FlexNet Operations administrator who has the ability to create new roles for producer personnel and end users by assigning specific permissions |
• | Portal Administrative User – a customer user who has End-User Portal administrative privileges |
• | Portal User – an End-User Portal customer user |