Creating a License Model
A license model defines licensing characteristics that determine how, when, and where a Flex-enabled product can be used.
Tip:A license model can be created from scratch or by editing a copy of an existing license model. To start with a copy, select an existing license model on the License Models page and click Copy.
To create a license model
1. | Click Administer > License Models. This link opens the License Models page. |
2. | Click Create New License Model. This button opens the Create a License Model page. |
3. | If more than one license technology is defined, select the license technology for which this license model is valid. |
4. | If the license model is for FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit or for a custom license technology, follow these steps to define the license model. |
Note:Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk.
5. | Provide a name and a description for the license model, and specify the expiration setting. |
6. | Subsequent steps vary depending on whether you are creating a license model with FlexNet license technology or custom license technology: |
• | If this is a license model for a custom license technology, configure any custom license model attributes and click Save to save the license model or click Next to configure policies on the license model. |
• | If this is a FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit or FlexNet Embedded license model, click Next to continue defining the license model. FlexNet Operations presents the license model settings as a dynamic set of decisions. (Additional information about these attributes is available in FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit or FlexNet Embedded documentation.) |
a. | Is this an Embedded License Model? |
Value |
Description |
Yes |
Identifies the license model intended for devices that use the FlexNet Embedded toolkit. |
No |
Identifies the license model as one intended for software products that use the FlexNet Publisher toolkit. |
b. | Will this License Model be Sharable? (FNP toolkit) |
Value |
Description |
Yes |
A sharable, or floating license can be used by anyone on the network, up to the limit specified in the license. Floating licenses require a license server system to be running to count the concurrent usage of licenses. If a license is floating, it is most common for it to be counted, allowing only limited checkouts. |
No |
A license that is not sharable, sometimes known as node-locked, can be used only on one machine or a specified set of machines. |
c. | Is this a Counted Model? (FNE toolkit) |
Value |
Description |
Yes |
Counts the number of seats deployed to customers. |
No |
Provides unlimited copies. |
d. | Will this License Model allow Unlimited Checkouts? (FNP toolkit) |
Value |
Yes (unlimited) |
An uncounted license allows unlimited concurrent usage. If a license is uncounted, it is most common for it to be nodelocked. The floating uncounted certificate license model in FlexNet Operations is implemented as a floating counted license with DUP_GROUP=SITE. |
No (limited) |
A counted license allows usage limited by the count in the license. If a certificate license is counted, it is most common for it to be floating. However, it is possible to have a nodelocked counted license. |
e. | Is this an Activatable License Model? |
Is this license delivered into trusted storage or as a certificate? |
Select Yes if license is delivered into trusted storage. |
FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit v11.x can activate trusted licenses. Trusted licenses are usually activated automatically and securely with an activation utility written by the publisher of the licensed software. Products linked with a trusted license model must also be associated with a transaction key. |
Select No if license is delivered as a certificate. |
All versions of FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit can generate certificate licenses that are emailed or otherwise delivered to a software customer. |
f. | Is this License Model Detachable? |
This license can be transferred among license servers. Is it also detachable to a client machine? |
Yes (detachable) |
Only applicable to trusted license models. Licenses are floating and served from a license server, but they can also be removed from the floating group of licenses and be activated on an individual client machine. |
No (not detachable) |
Only applicable to trusted license models. Licenses are floating and only served from a license server. The licenses can be configured to allow them to be transferred between vendor daemons. |
g. | Is this License Model for an End User or for an Enterprise? |
Will this license be activated from FlexNet Operations by a retail client or by a license server in an enterprise environment? |
End User |
An end-user license is sold to an individual retail user. Only applicable to trusted license models. |
Enterprise |
A volume license is sold to an enterprise user. Only applicable to trusted license models. |
h. | Is this a Metered Model? (FNE toolkit) |
Value |
Description |
Yes |
Designates the license model as a usage-based model. (Usage-based licensing is available to producers who use FlexNet Embedded, FlexNet Usage Capture, and FlexNet Usage Management.) |
No |
License does not use the usage management feature to track usage. |
i. | Fill in the Attributes for this License Model. |
Depending on the decisions made above, sets of choices are presented.
Choice |
Description |
If you select Yes, when you Activate Licenses for a customer, FlexNet Operations allow syou to activate a portion of the total amount entitled to that customer (that is, the total amount that they purchased). If you select No, you must activate the total amount in the single transaction. |
Package Specification (for uncounted licenses) |
Applicable to all uncounted certificate license models. Select None if this license model is to be associated with a product that is not defined as a package. Select Basic if this license model is used to provide a PACKAGE line as a compact, efficient way to distribute a large number of features that share most of their feature line arguments. |
Package Specification (for certificate counted licenses) |
Applicable to certificate counted licenses.
Select Suite if this license model:
Select Suite Reserved if this license model:
Package Specification (for trusted floating licenses) |
Applicable to trusted floating (transferable and borrowable) licenses. Select None if this license model is to be associated with a product that is not defined as a package. Select Suite Reserved if this license model:
Terminal Server Usage |
Controls whether a licensed application can be run from a Terminal Server client. Choose from
To permit access from one Terminal Server client (one session), choose One Connection Allowed. This adds the ONE_TS_OK keyword to the feature line. This setting only applies to Flex-enabled applications built with FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit version 11.5 or later. To permit access from multiple clients (multiple sessions), choose Many Connections Allowed. This adds the TS_OK keyword to the feature line. This setting only applies to Flex-enabled applications built with FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit version 8.0 or later. To prevent access from Terminal Server clients, choose Not Used. Applications built with versions of FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit prior to version 8.0 do not support this license model feature (and thus may always run using Terminal Server). Therefore, in licenses for applications built with version 8.0 or earlier FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit set Terminal Server Usage to Not Used. Similarly, applications built with a version of FlexNet Publisher prior to 11.5 do not support the One Connection Allowed setting. These settings apply to applications using a nodelocked uncounted, retail activation, or enterprise activation license. FlexNet Publisher Licensing Toolkit detects when a nodelocked uncounted license is running under Windows Terminal Server. To allow your Flex-enabled application to run using a Terminal Server client, nodelock the license to the Terminal Server. |
FLEXid Sharing |
This property, which is applicable to nodelocked uncounted licenses, enables mobile licensing using a FLEXid with FLOAT_OK for a particular feature line. This feature line must be nodelocked to a FLEXid (a dongle that connects to a parallel or USB port). One feature line containing the FLOAT_OK keyword and one FLEXid is needed for each instance of a license that can be mobile. When the FLEXid is attached to a license server, the license floats on the network. When the FLEXid is removed from the license server, the license is available only on the standalone computer with the FLEXid attached. This property is supported only on Windows machines. If a license is to be moved between different Windows machines, it is nodelocked to a FLEXid. To move a license to a different machine, the dongle must be moved to that machine. Select one of the following options:
FLEXid Sharing (continued) |
When generating a license, specify a FLEXid as the Nodelocked Hostid and the server host ID for FLEXid Sharing. A SERVER line is added to the generated license certificate and:
Time Zone |
Controls whether or not licensing is limited to specified regions (expressed as time zones). Choose from
To limit usage based on time zone, choose a time zone value from the list. Time zone values must be defined by the publisher. For details, see Working with Time Zones. To limit usage to machines running in the same time zone as the license server machine (served licenses only), choose Server Time Zone Only. To ignore time zones for licensing purposes, choose Not Used. Time zone-based licensing is supported for licenses generated by FlexNet Publisher version 11.7 or later, and applies to the following certificate-based licenses: floating counted, floating uncounted, and nodelocked counted. Time zone-based licensing is not available for nodelocked uncounted license models (because limiting licenses based on their geographic location is not required if an unlimited number of licenses is available). In this case, the Time Zone setting will be blank. The special Time Zone setting, Server Time Zone Only, is not applicable to licenses that do not include a SERVER line nor to nodelocked uncounted licenses, generally. |
Virtualization Restrictions |
Controls whether or not licensed applications are restricted to running only on physical machines or only on virtual machines. Choose from
To limit usage to physical machines only, choose Restrict to Physical Machines. This adds VM_PLATFORMS=PHYSICAL to the feature line. To limit usage to virtual machines only, choose Restrict to Virtual Machines. This adds VM_PLATFORMS=VM_ONLY to the feature line. To operate without restrictions, choose Not Used. Virtualization Restrictions are supported for licenses generated by FlexNet Publisher version 11.7 or later, and apply to certificate license models: floating counted, floating uncounted, nodelocked counted, and nodelocked uncounted. |
Borrowing |
Applicable to counted, certificate licenses. To disable borrowing, select Not Used. If any other setting is selected, license borrowing is enabled. If borrowing is allowed, the maximum number of hours that the license can be borrowed for can be specified as the default (168 hours, or one week) or can be specified in the license model, during entitlement, or during fulfillment. The maximum borrow period is limited by the maximum value of a 32-bit integer: 2 billion hours. |
Renew Interval |
How often—if ever—the client attempts to re-contact the local license server. Successful contact extends the server-imposed expiration based on the borrow period. When using a finite borrow period, for maximum effectiveness, the renew interval should be set such that the client attempts renewal at least two times per borrow interval. It is set as a percentage of the borrow interval in the license model. Note:Renew interval is not enforced; it is for the publisher's convenience to use as they want. |
Unique Users and Hosts |
Applicable to certificate counted licenses and trusted floating transferrable and floating borrowable licenses. Sets the number of users (User Based) or host names (Host Based) that can be specified in INCLUDE statements in the end-user options file.
Reusable |
Applicable to metered (usage-based) license models, Reusable specifies whether the usage counts can be increased and decreased by the usage client or only increased. Choose either Yes or No.
Undo Interval |
Applicable to metered (usage-based) license models, Undo Interval defines a window in which feature checkouts can be canceled even if Reusable is set to No. Choose from Not Used, Specify Value Now, and Specify Value at Entitlement Time.
Select the Overdraft option to allow, for example, a specified number of users to run the software package during peak usage times even after the application’s license limit has been reached. Usage above the license limit is reported by the FlexNet Manager reporting tool, expressed using the OVERDRAFT license keyword. By viewing this report on actual usage, you can accurately determine your account’s license requirements, and purchase any additional licenses that are needed. The Overdraft option is applicable to both certificate and trusted counted licenses. Overdraft is specified as a Maximum value per entitlement line item with Floor and Ceiling values per fulfillment against that line item. From the Maximum list, select one of the following:
If the decision to set the maximum overdraft is deferred until entitlement time (FlexNet Operations user interface or Web services), only an absolute number can be set, not a percentage. See About Overdraft Support for more information. |
Select the Grace Period option to enable a FlexNet Embedded application to function for a specified number of days, without interruption, after its license has expired. Choose from
See About the License Expiration Grace Period for more information. |
For producers who use FlexNet Cloud Licensing Service, FlexNet Operations can automatically generate a Cloud Licensing Service license server for new customer accounts and automatically map new entitlements to an existing Cloud Licensing Service license server for existing customer accounts. Choose from
Tip:Limitations exist for auto-provisioned license servers. Entitlements with line items on an auto-provisioned license server cannot be transferred. Also, auto-provisioned license servers cannot be moved, made obsolete, have a new owner assigned, or have their licenses removed. |
Issuer |
Issuer of the license: Applicable to all license models. Select Not Used if you do not want to include the ISSUER keyword, or select Specify Value Now to set the value of ISSUER in the license model. Select Specify Value At Entitlement Time or Specify Value At Fulfillment Time to specify the ISSUER value later. In addition to accepting an explicitly specified string, this field can accept, enclosed in curly braces, one of several pre-defined substitution variables or the name of a custom attribute. |
Serial Number |
Serial number used to identify feature lines: Applicable to all license models. Select Not Used if you do not want to include the SN keyword, or select Specify Value Now to set the value of SN in the license model. Select Specify Value At Entitlement Time or Specify Value At Fulfillment Time to specify the SN value later. In addition to accepting an explicitly specified string, this field can accept, enclosed in curly braces, one of several pre-defined substitution variables or the name of a custom attribute. |
Vendor String |
Vendor string used to identify feature lines: Applicable to all license models. Select Not Used if you do not want to include the VENDOR_STRING keyword, or select Specify Value Now to specify the value of the VENDOR_STRING in the license model. Select Specify Value At Entitlement Time or Specify Value At Fulfillment Time to specify the VENDOR_STRING value later. In addition to accepting an explicitly specified string, this field can accept, enclosed in curly braces, one of several pre-defined substitution variables or the name of a custom attribute. |
Notice string used to identify feature lines: Applicable to all license models. Select Not Used if you do not want to include the NOTICE keyword, or select Specify Value Now to specify the value of the NOTICE in the license model. Select Specify Value at Entitlement Time or Specify Value at Fulfillment Time to specify the NOTICE value later. In addition to accepting an explicitly specified string, this field can accept, enclosed in curly braces, one of several pre-defined substitution variables or the name of a custom attribute. |
Applicable only to certificate licenses. USE_SERVER takes no arguments and has no impact on the server. When the application sees USE_SERVER, it ignores everything in the license file except preceding SERVER lines and transfers checkout validation to the vendor daemon. For uncounted features, USE_SERVER is used to force logging of usage by the daemons. You can specify to use or not use USE_SERVER in the license model, or specify whether to use it at the time of entitlement or fulfillment. |
Platforms |
Applicable to all license models. Usage is limited to the selected platforms. Select No Platform Restrictions if you do not want to specify any platform restrictions. Select Specify Value Now to specify the allowed platforms in the license model. Select Specify Value At Entitlement Time or Specify Value At Fulfillment Time to specify the allowed platforms later. The platforms are selected with check boxes. They are expressed in a license using the PLATFORMS keyword. |
Client Repair Count % |
Applicable only to Floating Borrowable and Enterprise Activation license models. A fulfillment record of a vendor daemon contains a fulfill count and a repair count. The fulfill count indicates how many client activations the vendor daemon can perform and the repair count indicates the number of repairs of those client activations the vendor daemon can perform. After the repair count has been used, no more repairs can ever be done against that vendor daemon fulfillment record. FlexNet Operations license model policies affect only direct transactions between FlexNet Operations and a requesting vendor daemon or client application; they do not affect transactions between a vendor daemon and its clients. Therefore, a parameter has been added to license models to restrict the number of repairs that a vendor daemon can perform on activations from one of its fulfillment records. When a vendor daemon makes an activation request to FlexNet Operations, it can request a fulfill count and a repair count against that fulfill count. The Client Repair Count % is applied to the requested fulfill count and compared to the requested repair count: the minimum of the two values is returned to the vendor daemon as the repair count on the fulfillment record. For example:
Max Transfers |
Applicable only to trusted models. If a license is bound to a license server, this is the number of transfers of a license allowed between vendor daemons. |
7. | Complete the license model creation process by clicking Save, Complete, or Next: |
• | Click Save to save the license model and remain on the current page. |
• | Click Complete to save the license model and return the License Model page. |
• | Click Next to save the license model settings and continue by setting up custom license model attributes (if any have been created) or setting policies for the current license model. (See Setting Up Custom License Model Attributes and Setting License Model Policies .) |
After creating a license model, you can continue creating more license models, or start creating features, feature bundles, or products.
Note:After a license model has been saved, the history of its state change can be viewed by clicking the View History button.
See Also
Setting Up Custom License Model Attributes