Creating a Download Package
You can create a download package in the Producer Portal.
Note:Before creating a download package, you must have defined at least one deployed product and a product line. (For instructions about creating products and product lines, see the Producer Portal Entitlement Help.)
A download package contains one or more files for users to download from the End-User Portal. A typical use of download packages is as a container for the files that comprise, say, the installer, documentation, and release notes for a particular software release, but your account can group files together in any way that makes sense for its product offerings. Download packages must exist before they can be associated to products or have files associated to them.
To create a download package
1. | Click Products > Create Download Package. This link opens the Add Download Package page. |
2. | Enter download package attributes. |
Attribute |
Description |
Download Package ID |
A unique ID used to associate the download package with products and files. |
Download Package Name |
The name of the download package to be displayed to users in the End-User Portal. |
Extended Description |
An optional, additional description attribute for the download package. Maximum: 1000 characters. |
Version |
The version of the download package. |
Release Group |
An optional attribute to help sort the download package’s appearance in the End-User Portal. Maximum: 20 characters. |
Effective Date |
The date when the download package becomes available on the End-User Portal. Accounts have access to the download package if the download package’s effective date occurs within their entitlement’s effective and expiration dates on the line item for that download package. |
Expiration Date |
The date when the download package moves to the archive (Previous Versions) tab or becomes inaccessible from entitlement lines with start dates later than this expiration date. If the expiration date is in the future, the download package appears on the new versions section of the End-User Portal. If the expiration date is in the past, the download package moves to the release archives section. Accounts have access to the download package from the release archives section even if the download package is expired, provided there is an overlap between the download package’s effective and expiration dates and the entitlement's effective and expiration dates. |
Archive Date |
The date on which the download package moves to the archive (Previous Versions) tab. Users may still download it if they have access through an overlap with their entitlement dates, but must find it on the archive tab on the End-User Portal. (New entitlements with beginning dates after the expiration date do not have access to this product at all.) |
Download Package Producer |
The producer of the product and the download package. (See Managing Producers.) |
Product Line |
The product line in which the download package appears. |
End User License Agreement |
An optional, click-through license agreement. (See Managing License Agreements.) |
Physical Distribution Available |
Specifies whether users on the End-User Portal have the option to request a copy of the download package on physical media. FlexNet Operations offers customizations to integrate with a physical distribution facility. When your site is integrated, this attribute shows whether or not end users have the option to request a physical copy of the download package. |
Restrict to US/Canada |
Specifies whether to restrict delivery to users in the United States or Canada or to permit delivery outside those countries. Yes—Restricts delivery to users within the United States or Canada. No—Permits delivery to users outside the United States and Canada. If you choose No, ECCN, ENC, and CCATS attributes are required. Otherwise, they are not used. See About Export Compliance for more information. |
Download Instructions |
Directions to End-User Portal users. Download instructions can be plain text or HTML content and are shown to users along with the list of files in the download package. |
3. | Optionally, add Download Instructions. Download instructions are directions for End-User Portal users that can be entered as plain text or as HTML content. These instructions are shown to users along with the list of files in the download package. For example, “Please refer to the release notes for installation requirements.” |
4. | Complete or continue the download package creation process: |
• | Click Save Download Package to save with current settings. The Producer Portal shows the download package’s View Download Package page. |
• | Click Save & Add Another to save the current download package and begin creating another download package. |
• | Click Save & Add File to save the current download package and upload a file image for it. |
• | Click Save & Associate File to save the current download package and associate it with a file. |
• | Click Save & Copy to Product to save the current download package and associate it with a product. |
See Also
Associating a Download Package to a Product