About Download Package Restrictions
Producers can set up download package restrictions to either permit or deny End-User Portal access to the download package for the specified accounts.
Download package restrictions can be useful in situations where a producer is delivering a beta release only to accounts who are participating in the beta test process or selectively make a hotfix available only to designated accounts.
By default, a download package is unrestricted. If no restrictions are created for a download package, it is accessible to all entitled accounts.
Accounts can be added to the Restrict Download Package list one at a time. The process starts with a search for the account to permit or deny access by its account ID or its account name. Search results are shown on the Find an Account page in a pop-up window. When you choose to restrict a previously unrestricted download package, the Find an Account page provides the option of specifically permitting (Restrict Allow) or denying (Restrict Deny) access to the selected account. From that point on, any other accounts you add to the restrictions list must follow the choice (Restrict Allow/Restrict Deny) you made for the first account.
• | Restrict Allow—Creates a file access “white list” that stipulates the accounts that are permitted to access the download package. Any account not on the list is not permitted to access the package in the End-User Portal, even if they are otherwise entitled to the product. |
• | Restrict Deny—Creates a file access “black list” that stipulates the accounts that are not permitted to access the download package. None of the accounts on the list are permitted to access the package in the End-User Portal, even if they are otherwise entitled to the product. |
Multiple accounts can be removed from the restrictions list on the Restrict Download Package page by selecting their check boxes in the Remove this Account column and then clicking Remove Selected Accounts.
For instructions about restricting files, see Restricting a Download Package.
See Also