Editing a File

You can edit file details from the View File page. Most of the file information that you enter when you add a file can be edited on the Edit File page.

Some commonly edited file details include

File Description—(required) The name of the file that End-User Portal users see. It should be brief but descriptive, for example, Enterprise Server 2.4 Solaris or Enterprise Server 2.4 Documentation.
File Name—(required) The name of the file as it will appear in the Producer Portal. Please note that during the upload of a file whose delivery source is FlexNet Operations, this field is overwritten with the name of the file that is being uploaded.
Content Detail—Additional information that is displayed when the end user clicks the + to see additional file information in the End-User Portal. If the file is a ZIP or JAR file, the Producer Portal automatically sets Content Detail to the file’s zipinfo during the file upload process.

If the Delivery Source is External, several additional fields are displayed:

External Source —(required) The URL where the file is located
File Size (bytes)—(required) The size of the file. This can be manually entered or calculated using the calculator icon.

Note:The calculator icon only works on external sources that use either the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Any other protocol will return a file size of 0.

MD5 CheckSum—(required if SHA2 CheckSum is empty) A 32-character hash algorithm for validating data integrity.
SHA2 CheckSum—(required if MD5 CheckSum is empty) A 64-character hash algorithm for validating data integrity.

Either MD5 or SHA2 CheckSum is required for externally sourced files. Optionally, both can be populated.

Note:A file’s editable attributes may also include the values for any custom file attributes you have defined. To learn more about custom attributes, including custom file attributes, see Administering Custom Attributes.

Many attributes support localization. For localizable attributes, click Show Languages to reveal additional, locale-specific fields for those attributes.

For more information about file attributes, see About File Attributes.

To edit file details

1. On the View File page, click Edit > Edit this File. This link opens the Edit File page for the current file.
2. Make your changes to one or more file details.
3. Click Save.

The Producer Portal saves your changes and returns to the View File page for the current file.

Tip:Some file details, such as Alias, File Status, Owner, Restricted, and File ID cannot be altered on the Edit File page. To change a file’s ID, you must reidentify the file. To change a whether a file is restricted you must use the Restrict File page (Edit > Restrict). To create an alias for the current file, use Edit > Alias this File.

See Also