Creating a Publisher Identity
You can add identities from the Administer menu in the Producer Portal.
To create a publisher identity
Click Administer > Identities. The Producer Portal opens the List Identities page. |
On the List Identities page, click Add Identity. The Producer Portal opens the Add Identity page. |
In Identity Name, enter the identity name. |
In Notes, optionally enter a description of the publisher identity. |
In Signature Algorithm, select an algorithm and signature strength combination that will be used to generate digital signatures. For example, TRL_163. |
If you have a custom back office identity to upload, click Choose File and locate the file on your local system. (This step is optional, and controls for choosing a file vary depending on the browser you are using.) |
Important:Because it is impossible to re-create an identity—even by entering the same input parameters in the Creating a Publisher Identity procedure—it is strongly recommended that you save backup copies of your identity files in case it is necessary to restore your FlexNet Operations instance.
To save a backup identity file:
After you successfully create a publisher identity, the List Identities page is displayed. |
On the List Identities page, click the identity that you just created to display its View Identity page. |
In the Identity Files section of the View Identity page, click the Binary File link below Download Back Office Identity. |
When you are prompted to save the identity file, choose a unique name to differentiate it from other publisher identity backup files, and save it in a secure location. |
To re-create an identity in the new FlexNet Operations instance from a backup identity file:
After you reinstall FlexNet Operations, click Administer > Identities to display the List Identities page. |
On the List Identities page, click Create Identity to display the Create Identity page. |
From the Publisher Name list, select the publisher that the identity belongs to. |
In the Custom IdentityBackOffice.bin field of the Create Identity page, click Browse... to find and select the backup identity file. |
Click Save to re-create the identity in the restored FlexNet Operations instance. |
See Also
About Publishers and Publisher Identities
Administering Device and License Server Setup