Managing Email and Email Templates
The Producer Portal can send email messages to your customers and create email templates for your account to use to communicate about new entitlements, or other events.
Email messages can be generated automatically based on certain event triggers or generated manually as needed. Through the Administer menu, you can send email messages and also create, modify, or delete email templates.
If FlexNet Operations is running in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, FlexNet Operations can only send emails to addresses and domains that have been verified by AWS beforehand. For more information and procedural information, see section Verifying Email Addresses and Domains (AWS Only).
Managing Email
Explains how to manage the email messages sent via the Producer Portal. Managing Email includes the following subtopics:
Managing Email Templates
Shows how to manage your account’s email templates. Managing Email Templates includes the following subtopics:
See Also
Viewing Emails Related to a Download Package
Creating an Email Notification for a Download Package
Viewing Emails Related to a File
Creating an Email Notification for a File