Packaging Products

Packaging products is the process of creating product definitions that are used to generate licenses.

Products are built up from features and feature bundles and linked to one or more license models to define how they can be used. Products can also be assembled into groups of products called suites.

During the product packaging process, you create features, feature bundles, products, and suites, and when doing so specify upgrade, upsell, and other relationships between those products and suites to capture your overall product hierarchy within FlexNet Operations.

Note:Maintenances are special types of products. Maintenance products define maintenance or support plans that can be tied to regular products.

See the following sections for details about the tasks involved with the product packaging process:




About Packaging Products

Discusses general product packaging concepts. This section also includes subtopics dedicated to trial product and download management concepts.

About Trial Products
About Download Management: FlexNet Electronic Software Delivery Components

Working with Features

Includes information about viewing, adding, and managing features.

Working with Feature Bundles

Describes creating and managing feature bundles.

Working with Products

Discusses product creation and management.

Working with Suites

Explains how to build and manage a group of products.

Working with Maintenances

Discusses the use of maintenance products.

Managing Part Numbers

Discusses the optional use of part numbers to tie your products to your accounting system.

Managing Product Lines

Discusses the optional use of product lines to help organize your products into groups.

Managing Download Packages

Discusses how download packages are used, how they interact with products and files, and how they are rendered to End-User Portal users.

Managing Download Files

Addresses adding and uploading of files, associating files with download packages, and other file management concepts and tasks.

Managing License Agreements

Covers the creation and maintenance of licensing agreements and how they are related to download packages.

Managing Producers

Explains how to add producers in the Producer Portal and how producers are related to download packages.

See Also