Working with Roles and Permissions

You can administer roles and permissions for user access.

Working with Roles and Permissions



Assigning a Role to a User

Shows how to assign one or more roles to an existing user.

Browsing Roles

Explains how to browse roles from the Administer Roles and Permissions page.

Browsing Users with a Role

Describes how to view users who are assigned a particular role.

Adding a Role

Shows how to add a user-defined role.

Editing a Role

Describes how to edit an existing role.

Deleting a Role

Explains how to delete a role.

Deactivating and Reactivating a Role

Shows how to manually deactivate or reactivate a role.

FlexNet Operations Permissions

Describes FlexNet Operations permissions. Permissions are grouped into roles.

FlexNet Operations Roles

Describes FlexNet Operations roles. Permissions are grouped into roles. Roles are assigned to user accounts.