Configuring Export and Import Settings

A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to modify configuration settings for Export and Import settings through the Producer Portal.

Note:Before changing any configuration settings in a working FlexNet Operations installation, it is advisable to export the working configuration settings. If there is a problem with the new settings, you have a backup of working settings to restore.

To configure export and import settings

1. Click System > Configure.
2. Click Import/Export Settings to open the configuration page for export and import settings.
3. View or change the values of the settings below.
4. Click Save Configs.

The Producer Portal saves your configuration changes.

Import/Export Setting Configurations


Possible Values



Features per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of features per file during export.


Feature Bundles per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of feature bundles per file during export.


License Technologies per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of publishers listed in one export file before a new XML file is created.


Publishers per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of feature bundles per file during export.


Custom Attributes per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of custom attributes allowed per file during export.


License Generator Configurations per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of license generator configurations allowed per file during export.


License Models per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of license models allowed per file during export.


Products per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of products allowed per file during export.


Part Numbers per File

200 or specify

Total number of part numbers allowed per file during export.


Transaction Keys per File

200 or specify

Maximum number of transaction keys allowed per file during export.


Product Relationships per File

200 or specify

Maximum number of product relationships allowed per file during export.


Uniform Suites per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of uniform suites allowed per file during export.


Maintenances per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of maintenances allowed per file during export.


Web Register Keys per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of web register keys allowed per file during export.


Bulk Entitlements per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of bulk entitlements allowed per file during export.


Simple Entitlements per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of simple entitlements listed in one export file before a new XML file is created.


Fulfillments per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of fulfillments allowed per file during export.


Line Items per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of line items allowed per file during export.


Consolidated Licenses per File

100 or specify

Maximum number of consolidated licenses allowed per file during export.


Account Units per File

200 or specify

Maximum number of account units allowed per file during export.


Number of Errors per File

200 or specify

Maximum number of error messages listed in one file during import.


I/O Buffer Size

Size in KB

Size, in kilobytes, of the input/output buffer size to read XML files during import.


See Also