Performing System Configuration

A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to view system configuration and to modify any configuration settings through the Producer Portal.

To change configuration settings through the FlexNet Operations Producer Portal, click System > Configure to open the System Configuration page.

Note:Configuration changes made in the FlexNet Operations System Configuration page could take a few minutes to take effect on the system, typically 1-2 minutes.

System Configuration Page



Configuring the FlexNet Platform Server

Customize outbound email settings, logging, timeouts, and other FlexNet Platform Server settings.

Configuring the Producer Portal User Interface

Alter user interface settings for the Producer Portal. The System Configuration > User Interface page allows you to specify settings such as the number of records per page and log lines per page.

Configuring Validators

Customize the validation of user name and password fields.

Configuring System Settings

Customize a wide range of FlexNet Operations settings. These include URLs for support and user communities, classnames for ID and fulfillment ID generators, host ID validators, as well as many other default settings and settings for optional features.

Configuring Trusted Activation Settings

Configure settings to activate or deactivate trusted storage features and specify generators for custom attributes in online responses and short code responses.

Configuring Public Services Settings

Configure settings to activate or deactivate public services and specify a generator for public services responses.

Configuring Export and Import Settings

Set limits that govern the number of features, feature bundles, license technologies, license models, and so on per exported XML file. Likewise, this page includes settings for the number of errors per file and the I/O buffer size for imports.

Configuring End-User Portal Settings

Customize settings for the FlexNet Operations End-User Portal. This page enables you to customize logos, colors, and page footer content; hide various page elements, links, fields, buttons, and views; and otherwise control the appearance and behavior of the portal.

Activating and Licensing FlexNet Operations

Activate your account’s FlexNet Operations license. You must activate your FlexNet Operations license to enable the FlexNet Operations features your account purchased.

Importing a Configuration

Import a previously exported configuration file.

Exporting a Configuration

Export the current system configuration settings as a zip file. This exported zip file can be used to restore FlexNet Operations system configuration settings.

Configuring Embedded Devices Settings

Fine tune features related to devices and specify classnames for request handlers and device handlers.