Configuring Embedded Devices Settings
A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to modify configuration settings for Embedded Devices through the Producer Portal.
Note:Before changing any configuration settings in a working FlexNet Operations instance, it is advisable to export the working configuration settings. If there is a problem with the new settings, you have a backup of working settings to restore.
To configure embedded devices settings
1. | Click System > Configure. |
2. | Click Embedded Devices to open the configuration page. |
3. | View or change the values of the settings below. |
4. | Click Save Configs. |
The Producer Portal saves your configuration changes.
A user can reset the CLS producer password through the Producer Portal for previous and future CLS instances.
The CLS password requirements are given below:
• | 8-30 Characters |
• | 1 Uppercase Character |
• | 1 Digit |
• | 1 Special Character |
The changed password can be used to get the token for all the instances.
Settings appear in the following groups:
• | Host Options |
• | Capability Request Handling |
• | License Generation |
• | History Logging |
These settings correspond to the Host Options section of the License Fulfillment Service Configuration Settings page in System > Configure.
Name |
Possible Values |
Description |
Default Client Host Type |
FLX_CLIENT or specify |
The default host type FlexNet Operations uses when creating an unknown client device from a request, if the request does not specify a host type. This value is also used when claiming a client device from the End-User Portal, if not supplied by the request, the portal UI, or a call-out. Default: FLX_CLIENT. |
Default Server Host Type |
FLX_SERVER or specify |
The default host type FlexNet Operations uses when creating an unknown server device from a request, if the request does not specify a host type. This value is also used when claiming a server device from the End-User Portal, if not supplied by the request, the portal UI, or a call-out. Default: FLX_SERVER. |
Excluded Client Host ID Types |
specify |
Use this option to select which of the normally supported host ID types should be excluded from the choices presented when editing the allowed ID types for a host type that supports clients. |
Excluded Server Host ID Types |
specify |
Use this option to select which of the normally supported host ID types should be excluded from the choices presented when editing the allowed ID types for a host type that supports servers. |
Entitlement Map Overlap |
Value in days |
Maximum elapsed time, in days, that an entitlement mapping can exceed the limits specified by any applicable host series definitions. |
Allow Duration License Decrease |
Selected or unselected |
Select to allow licenses with duration based features to have their copies reduced. Normally, licenses using durations only allow increasing the number of copies. |
Allow Duration License Decrease for Producer |
Selected or unselected |
Select to allow licenses with duration based features to have their copies reduced by a producer. Normally, licenses using durations only allow increasing the number of copies. |
Consume Copies When Mapping |
Selected or unselected |
Immediately deduct the number of copies from the appropriate line item when a request to increase a host’s license copies is processed. If this option is not selected, the additional copies are not deducted until the license is generated. |
Clone Detection |
Selected or unselected |
Select to record the clone suspect events in the back office. |
These settings correspond to the Capability Request Handling section of the License Fulfillment Service Configuration page in System > Configure.
Name |
Possible Values |
Description |
Device Response Lifetime |
Time value in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks |
Lifetime for device responses generated when a device request is received. You can specify the value to explicitly identify the time unit as seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks with a suffix of s, m, h, d, or w. If no suffix is used, the value is assumed to be in seconds. If the value is zero (0), the responses never expire. |
Allow Adding Unknown Hosts |
Selected or unselected |
Select to allow an unknown host to be added as a result of processing a capability request. An unknown server is added only if the capability request contains a valid activation ID. (To add a server when the request contains no activation ID, select Allow Server Without Activation IDs.) |
Allow Server Without Activation IDs |
Selected or unselected |
Select to allow unknown servers to be added as a result of processing a capability request, even if the request does not contain any activation IDs. |
Prohibit Virtual Hosts |
Selected or unselected |
Select to prohibit capability requests for hosts running on virtual machines. If this option is not selected (default), capability requests are served regardless of the machine type. |
Capability Request Call-out |
URL or classname |
The base URL of a REST server or name of a class that implements the interface. If specified, it is called to customize handling of capability requests and generated responses. |
Capability Request Finalize Host Call-out |
Selected or unselected |
Select to invoke call-out just before creating an unknown host. Additional attributes can be defined before it is persisted. It can also be used to cancel creation of the new host instance. |
Capability Request Access Check Call-out |
Selected or unselected |
Select to invoke call-out after (optionally) creating an unknown host, before proceeding with processing an off-line request. The return value can be used to deny access to the targeted host. |
Capability Request Finalize Response |
Selected or unselected |
Select to invoke call-out after an incoming host request has been validated, but before the capability response has been generated. |
Call-out Includes Host Details |
Selected or unselected |
Select to send details about the target host in the request body. Otherwise, just send the host id and id type, host class, host type, and alias. |
Call-out Includes Add-on Details |
Selected or unselected |
Select to send add-on details in the request body. Otherwise, just send list of activation IDs. |
These settings correspond to the License Generation section of the License Fulfillment Service Configuration page in System > Configure.
Name |
Possible Values |
Description |
Default Borrow Interval |
Time value in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks |
The default borrow interval for features that do not specify an override. You can specify the value to explicitly identify the time unit as seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks with a suffix of s, m, h, d, or w. If no suffix is used, the value is assumed to be in seconds. If the value is zero (0), the interval is unlimited. |
Default Renew Interval |
Percentage of borrow interval |
The default renew interval expressed as a percentage of the borrow interval, for features that do not specify an override. If set to zero (0), the renew interval is at the client discretion. |
Include Issued Date |
Selected or unselected |
If selected, include the Issued Date attribute in generated licenses for devices. Default: Selected. |
Include Start Date |
Selected or unselected |
If selected, include the Start Date attribute in generated licenses for devices. Default: Selected. |
Default Metered Undo Interval |
Time value in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks |
The default value of the undo interval for metered features that do not explicitly define an undo interval and are not reusable. You can specify the value to explicitly identify the time unit as seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks with a suffix of s, m, h, d, or w. If no suffix is used, the value is assumed to be in seconds. |
Skip Confirmation |
Selected or unselected |
When selected, no confirmation capability request is required when reducing the number of copies of a license. |
Skip Confirmation for Producer |
Selected or unselected |
When selected, no confirmation capability request is required for a producer when reducing the number of copies of a license. |
Date-based Version Format |
yyyy.MM or yyyy.MMdd |
When a feature that uses a date-based version format is created, this format is used when converting the version date to a version representation. For a date of May 15, 2018, yyyy.MM is 2018.05 and yyyy.MMdd is 2018.0515. |
These settings correspond to the History Logging section of the License Fulfillment Service Configuration page in System > Configure.
Name |
Possible Values |
Description |
Successful Capability in Request History |
Selected or unselected |
When selected, successful capability requests and matching responses are recorded in the request history. By default, successes are recorded only in the host history. |
Record Sync in Request History |
Selected or unselected |
When selected, sync messages and acknowledgments are recorded in the request history. By default, messages are recorded only in the host history, at debug log level. |
Write License History Events |
Selected or unselected |
When selected, individual license host history events are included in the request history for backward compatibility. Recording such events has been deprecated and replaced by adding fulfillment details in other events. |
Host History Log Level |
Debug, |
Include events in host history that are at or above the specified log level. The lowest log level is Debug; the highest is Error. |
See Also