Configuring Public Services Settings
A user must be assigned a role with the View and Manage Configurations permission to modify configuration settings for Public Services settings through the Producer Portal.
Note:Before changing any configuration settings in a working FlexNet Operations instance, it is advisable to export the working configuration settings. If there is a problem with the new settings, you have a backup of working settings to restore.
To configure public services settings
1. | Click System > Configure. |
2. | Click Public Services to open the configuration page for public services settings. |
3. | View or change the values of the settings below. |
4. | Click Save Configs. |
The Producer Portal saves your configuration changes.
Name |
Possible Values |
Description |
Rqd |
Publish LineItemDetails Public Service |
Selected or unselected |
Select to enable an activation application to query for line item information based on activation ID. |
Publish EntitlementDetails Public Service |
Selected or unselected |
Select to enable activation application to query for entitlement information based on entitlement ID. |
Publish registerUser Public Service |
Selected or unselected |
Select to enable the activation application to create a user object in the FlexNet Operations database and map that user to an activatable item. |
Publish mapEntitlement Public Service |
Selected or unselected |
Select to enable the activation application to map activatable items to users. |
Public Services Response Generator Classname |
Class name |
Producers can choose information sent in response to EntitlementDetails and LineItemDetails public services. Set this parameter to the class that implements the interface com.flexnet.operations.public.api.PublicServicesResponseGenerator. |
* |
See Also