Creating a License Technology
To create a license technology, perform the following steps.
To create a license technology
1. | Click Administer > License Technologies. |
2. | Click Add a License Technology. |
3. | Enter the following information in the Create a License Technology page: |
Field |
Description |
Name |
Name to uniquely identify this license technology. This is a required field and must be unique. |
Description |
Describe the characteristics of this license technology that make it unique. The description can be changed at any time. |
State |
A new license technology is always created in a draft state. Any attribute, except the name of the license technology, can be edited in this state. After a license technology is deployed, no attributes can be edited. Its state can be changed back to draft only if there are no products, suites, and licenses models (entities in draft state excluded) linked to the technology. A license technology can only be deleted in the draft state. |
Select a license technology type:
Refer to Getting Started with Non‑FlexNet Licensing Technologies for additional information on these types. |
Generator Service End Point |
Enter the path for this licensing technology’s license generator service (required when the license technology type is External SOAP Service; otherwise, optional). FlexNet Operations expects a URL in the following format. protocol://host:port/path See Using External Services with License Technologies for more information. |
Generator Service |
Enter the name of the Java class that generates licenses for this license technology. This class must implement the com.flexnet.operations.publicapi.LicenseGeneratorService interface. This setting appears when you select Use Generator Interface for the license technology type. For instructions on building and correctly placing the class file in your FlexNet Operations installation, refer to theFlexNet Operations On-Premises Installation & Implementation Guide. |
Generator Validator |
Enter the name of the Java class that validates products and license models for this license technology. This class must implement the com.flexnet.operations.publicapi.LicenseGeneratorValidator interface. For instructions on building and correctly placing the class file in your FlexNet Operations installation, refer to the FlexNet Operations On-Premises Installation & Implementation Guide. |
License Consolidator |
Enter the name of the Java class that consolidates licenses for this license technology. This class must implement the com.flexnet.operations.publicapi.LicenseConsolidator interface. For instructions on building and correctly placing the class file in your FlexNet Operations installation, refer to the FlexNet Operations On-Premises Installation & Implementation Guide. |
Entitlement Certificate Template |
The variation name of the email template to use to generate an entitlement certificate for this license technology. When no path is specified, the default Entitlement Certificate template is used instead. |
Entitlement Certificate Email Template |
The variation name of the email template to use to create the body of the email for sending an entitlement certificate email attachment for this license technology. Note:HTML content is always retrieved for this template. When no path is specified, the default Entitlement template is used instead. |
Multiple Consolidated Licenses Email Template |
The variation name of the email template to use to send a multiple consolidated license email attachment for this license technology. When no path is specified, the default Multiple Consolidated Licenses template is used instead. |
Consolidated License Email Template |
The variation name of the email template to use to send a consolidated license email attachment for this license technology. When no path is specified, the default Consolidated License template is used instead. |
Multiple License Files Email Template |
The variation name of the email template to use to send a multiple license files email attachment for this license technology. When no path is specified, the default Multiple Licenses template is used instead. |
License File Email Template |
The variation name of the email template to use to send a license email attachment for this license technology. When no path is specified, the default License template is used instead. |
Filename Generator |
Enter the name of the Java class that generates license file names for this License Technology. This class must implement the com.flexnet.operations.publicapi.MultipleLicenseFilenameGenerator interface. For instructions on building and correctly placing the class file in your FlexNet Operations installation, refer to the FlexNet Operations On-Premises Installation & Implementation Guide. |
Is Counted? |
Indicate whether or not the user is prompted to provide a fulfillment count when activating the license. A license technology that has counted license models belonging to it can also be defined as counted. For an uncounted license model, a license is generated for only 1 copy at a time. |
Does this license technology generate replacement keys (i.e., regenerative licensing) |
Select whether or not the license technology generates replacement keys. Such a license technology is called regenerative.
Is Return Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows license returns. |
Is Repair Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows license repairs. |
Is Rehost Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows license rehosts. |
Is Stop Gap Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows stop gap licenses. |
Is Emergency Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows emergency licensing. |
Is Publisher Error Correction Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows publisher correction operations. |
Is Upgrade/Upsell/Renew Operation Allowed? |
Indicate whether the technology allows upgrade, upsell, or renewal operations. |
File Definitions |
If the license technology uses multiple license files, you can define multiple file types for each fulfillment record. The end user can download multiple files from each fulfillment record, or receive multiple files of different types as email attachments.
Host type represents a class of device on which the license-enabled code is intended to run. When a license is generated for a product, FlexNet Operations prompts for the attributes that belong to the product’s host type. The settings in the Create Host Type window differ for FlexNet and non-FlexNet licensing technologies. Host types can be included in a license technology either by adding a new host type or selecting an existing host type. To add a host type
To select an existing host type
4. | Click Save to save your changes, Reset to clear all fields, and Add New to save and specify a different license technology. |
5. | Click Next to specify attributes for a license generator configuration. |
See Also