Editing a User
Users assigned a role with the View and Manage Users permission can view, add, and edit users. The Create a User page displays the date the user was created and last logged in (if a non-shared user) and is also used to reset the user’s password.
Edit User Information
Use the following instructions to modify a user’s details, contact information, or account. Remember: To locate a difficult to find user, use the search feature on the Manage Users page.
To edit an existing FlexNet Operations user
1. | Click Accounts & Users > All Users. This link opens the Manage Users page. |
2. | On the Manage Users page, locate the user you want to edit. Note: Users can appear on different tabs. Be sure you are looking at the right tab for the user. |
3. | In the Users list, click a user name to view the Create a User page. |
4. | Edit the values of any of the editable fields. Email address is never editable. At least one account must be linked to the user. If the user must log in to the End-User Portal or Producer Portal, at least one role must be assigned. |
5. | Click Save to save your changes to the user. |
Reset a Password
Use the following steps to reset the password of a user.
To reset a user’s password
1. | Click Accounts & Users > All Users. This link opens the Manage Users page. |
2. | On the Manage Users page, locate the user you want to edit. Note: Users can appear on different tabs. Be sure you are looking at the right tab for the user. |
3. | In the Users list, click a user name to view the Create a User page. |
4. | On the Create a User page, click Reset Password. |
If the user is not shared, an email is sent to the user with a new system-generated password. The user logs in with the system-generated password and is immediately prompted to change the password.
If the user is shared, the email containing a system-generated password is sent to a FlexNet Operations administrator (if you specified the administrator’s email address when the user was created). The administrator must log in to FlexNet Operations with the system-generated password, then change the password and keep a record of it. The administrator must send this new password to all users of the shared login.
Set or Clear an Expiration Date
Use the following instructions to control how long a user is linked to an account.
Version:This option is only available if the Enable User Expiration field is enabled in the System Configuration. See Configuring System Settings for more information.
To set or clear the expiry date for a user
1. | Click Accounts & Users > All Users. This link opens the Manage Users page. |
2. | On the Manage Users page, locate the user you want to edit. Note: Users can appear on different tabs. Be sure you are looking at the right tab for the user. |
3. | In the Users list, click a user name to view the Create a User page. |
4. | Under Accounts, find the account you want to limit the user’s access to. |
5. | Under Expiry date for an Account, either enter a date to set an expiration date or clear the field to remove an expiration date. To disable the expiration date for all users, unselect the Enable User Expiration in the System Configuration. If the expiration date is cleared or disabled, a user’s access to the account does not expire. See Configuring System Settings for more information. |
See Also